Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Only

Hello girls! I could not wait to post this week. I'm still flying high from the weekend retreat, from traveling and from meeting so many of you. If you did not make it this year, consider putting it on your calendar for next year. You won't be disappointed.

Not really sure what my topic is today but I'm feeling the need to recap some of the weekend. I'm a slow processer, so I'm still going through conversations in my head and discovering more connections among us.

When I got back and friends started asking me how the weekend was, I found it difficult to assign a word to it like "fine" or "great" or even "awesome". Those singular words just didn't do it justice. So here's what I came up with when asked:  It was the first time that I wasn't The Only. I wasn't The Only:

  • mommy
  • wife
  • college graduate
  • birthgrandmother
  • friend
  • sister
  • homeschooler
  • daughter
  • one who was kicked out by her parents
  • one whose parents still don't discuss my birthchild 25+ years later
  • birthmom
The list goes on. And although we are all so different and our stories are as varied as we are, we have this common bond. This sisterhood. I described it to a couple girls at Sunday breakfast like this: "I feel like I've come to a family reunion of 35 sisters I didn't know I had and now I have lots of catching up to do."

For those of you that were there, thank you for sharing your hearts, your stories and your time.  You amaze me, inspire me, and heal me in ways I didn't know I needed.

For those sisters that weren't there, I hope you know you are truly not alone. It's not just a phrase to make you feel better. It's really true.

Love you Super Girls!

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