Friday, July 27, 2012

Spotlight Blogger: Meet Amanda S.

This week's featured blogger is Amanda of "Forgotten Mom - My Journey as a FirstMom." Though this blog is fairly new, she's not new to blogging. So let's find out a little more about Amanda...

First, please tell us a bit more about yourself (name, age, where you live, what led you to making an adoption plan, and anything else you feel comfortable sharing).

My name is Amanda, I'm 34 and I live right in between Syracuse and Rochester in upstate NY. My daughter, T, was born in May of 2001 so I've been on this journey for over 11 years
now. It's hard to say what led me to my decision, as the face of my adoption story has changed so much over the years. It's gone from semi-open, to forcibly closed, to a recent semi-reunion! At the time, I felt a lot of pressure to do the right thing, I suppose. My blog explains a lot.

When and why did you begin blogging?

I had a blog way back when, however I was never good at updating. So a couple months ago I decided to start another one, and this is it. I wanted to blog because I had no other outlet for all the anger I was feeling. I wanted my voice for adoption reform heard. So far I've only written a few posts, but I hope to continue for a long time.

Tell us more about the title of your blog. Why did you choose it?

My blog is called  "Forgotten Mom - My Journey as a FirstMom." I call myself a First Mom, Natural Mom or just plain mom. I understand the birth mom moniker, I just prefer those. And the "forgotten" part - when your adoption is forcibly closed, you tend to feel forgotten.

Has the response to your posts been mostly positive, mostly negative, or a mix of both?

My blog is new so I haven't gotten a lot, but what I have gotten is positive!!

What post on your blog do you consider a “must read” for people visiting your blog for the first time? Or what post(s) from your blog is (or are) your favorite(s) and why?

The first two blogs (First Entry & My Adoption Story, part 2)… Granted I don't have very many entries yet, but I think those are a must read so people know why I feel the way I do and why I'm so outspoken about reform.

Do you have any advice for someone thinking of starting their own blog?

BE YOURSELF. Don't worry about negative feedback. If you're true to you, then that's all that matters.

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