Thursday, July 19, 2012


Ok, so my last post on Signs seemed to ring true with some of you. So I'm sure the title of this week's blog is intriguing. But seriously. Stop. It. Now. This is just ridiculous! If it's not one thing it's another. And that goes for... well, just about everything.

Ever have a time when it seems each task you undertake, each chore you seek to accomplish, even little things like errands are so hard? Maybe the midwest heat is scrambling my brain this summer. Or maybe I'm just getting old, but my word even the tiniest detail seems to be so difficult.

Last weekend we traveled, to the in-laws no less, and as we're driving back I'm throwing up into a ziploc bag in the car. No joke. I mean, really Lord? What exactly am I supposed to be learning through that?

I will confess, though, that the Lord was my only option. I thought I was going to die in that car, right in front of my children. I felt so miserable, so hot and so cold and so sick all at the same time, that I just kept praying and reciting scripture. For real. My options were truly limited.

Maybe that's the point of all of this. Maybe a few weeks back when I felt that overwhelming need to pray more that should have been my first clue to pray more, you know what I mean? But there's so much that needs doing!

So I'm committing, again, to pray more and worry less this week about the things that need doing. How about you?

Photo credit

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